Bus Manager

At Nexus Geographics we have the vision that maps are a key tool for understanding and improving the activity of people and organizations. Our mission is to help companies and public administrations to better understand their business, with geolocation technology, with smart maps and smart routes.

We have implemented a Quality Management System based on the standards UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE EN ISO 27001:2017 and we are commited to make every possible effort to:

  • Satisfy the needs of our customers and stakeholders.
  • Keep updated the training level of our team in order to carry out the tasks assigned to them, and inform all staff about the operation of the Quality Management System and the objectives set.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of services and the management system.
  • Involve personnel in safe activities, ensuring the security of their own information and that of our clients, quality activities and the search for continuous improvement.
  • Involve staff in safe behaviors, ensuring the security of their own information and that of the interested parties in order to guarantee:
    • Your confidentiality, ensuring that only those who are authorized can access the information.
    • Its integrity, ensuring that the information and its processing methods are accurate and complete, avoiding unauthorized modifications and its availability, ensuring that authorized users have access to the information and its associated assets when required. To achieve these objectives, the following fundamental principles are established: Cyberhygiene: apply basic measures to all company assets that guarantee a minimum level of security. Awareness: be aware of information security risks, as well as know and apply the necessary practices to protect information. Security Risk Management: carry out an adequate evaluation, management and treatment of the information security risk to reach an acceptable level of risk, prioritizing the measures and controls to be implemented according to the identified risks and the pursued business objectives. Security by design: incorporate information security as an essential element in the design and development of products, solutions and services. Security Incident Management: act appropriately and jointly to prevent, detect and respond to incidents that may affect information security.
    • All of us who take part of NEXUS (employees, collaborators, third parties) are responsible for understanding and complying with these principles, as well as all the approved information security policies that develop them. In turn, within our sphere of responsibility, we must provide the necessary resources and encourage compliance.
  • Compliance with the legal requirements as well as other requirements that the organization subscribes to.

Through the development of these actions, Nexus Geographics is committed to the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Information Quality and Security Management System.

In addition, in order to guarantee that this Quality and Security Policy is met, quality objectives are defined consistent with this policy and the system is periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. 

David Comas and Francesc Varela, CEOs

Barcelona, May 30th 2022